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Terimakasih sudah melakukan transaksi di Increaser.
Agustina Wulan
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Terimakasih atas kepercayaan Kakak kepada kami.
Lilis Suganda
Produk dan kualitas adminnya sangat oke sekali. Jaya terus
Terimakasih sudah melakukan transaksi di Increaser.
Indah Ekawati
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Terimakasih sudah melakukan transaksi di Increaser. Jangan lupa cek produk menarik lainnya ya.
Nayunda Sari
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2in Kak.
Terimakasih sudah menggunakan jasa kami.
Syifa Rifani
Hai, saya Syifa. Saya pakai produk ini karena saya rasa ada akun yang mengganggu saya akhir-akhir ini. Entah kenapa akun itu susah di report. Meskipun harus mengeluarkan gocek karena saya menggunakan jasa increaser, tapi saat ini saya sangat aman. Increaser murah dan aman, terimakasih
Kami turut senang jika produk kami dapat membantu Kakak. Tujuan kami mengadakan produk seperti adalah seperti itu. Membantu Kakak untuk menghilangkan akun yang membuat Kakak tidak nyaman.
Dwi Putri Aminah
Yg menghubungi saya ramah sekali. Untuk selebihnya bagus
cindy prahesti
Bintang sudah menjawab kualitasnya
Terimakasih, kami akan meningkatkan lagi performa layanan kami.
Meskipun agak pricey tapi oke karena ribet buat spam report gitu. thx
Terimakasih, kami senang jika produk dan layanan kami dapat membantu Kakak.
Bagus, respon admin cepet lebih cepet dari iklan. Good job!!
Terimakasih sudah melakukan transaksi di Increaser.
Amaliya Pohan
Untuk IG bagus udah ada jasa seperti ini. Untuk twitter ada gak sih? Masalahnya twitter kadang terlalu liar dan banyak akun yg pengen di report
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African-American History
What did W. E. B. Du Bois increasingly support as he grew older?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, W. E. B. Du Bois increasingly supported Pan-Africanism as he grew older.
It’s like this idea of unity among people of African descent
worldwide, you k
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African-American History
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Asked by Wiki User
Martin Luther King Jr. did not have a favorite football team as he was primarily focused on civil rights activism
and social justice work. He was known for his
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African-American History
What were all black people considered?
Asked by Wiki User
Back in the day, society labeled all black people as slaves or inferior beings.
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load of h
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African-American History
Why do mean people say your black friends are monkeys?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, that’s just straight-up racism. Like, it’s not cool at all.
Calling anyone that kind of stuff is just ignorant and offensive.
People who say that kind
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African-American History
Why was Benjamin Banneker famous?
Asked by Wiki User
Benjamin Banneker was famous for being a self-taught African American mathematician, astronomer, and author.
He is best known for his work in accurately predict
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African-American History
What is Bessie Coleman’s favorite animal?
Asked by Wiki User
As an educator with expertise in various subjects, I must clarify that Bessie
Coleman was an African American aviator and the first woman of African American an
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What were Lonnie G Johnson the inventor siblings names?
Asked by Wiki User
Lonnie G. Johnson, the inventor, has two siblings named Charles Johnson and James Johnson. Charles Johnson is a retired U.S.
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The end of Endeavour: Shuttle touches down on Earth after final space mission
Updated: 17:40 GMT, 1 June 2011
Endeavour returns to Kennedy Space Center after completing
Nasa’s share of construction at the ISS
Atlantis wheeled to the launch pad in front of thousands of onlookers ahead of final
shuttle mission
Space shuttle Endeavour and its six astronauts returned to Earth in the early hours of this morning, bringing to an end the penultimate mission in Nasa’s 30-year programme.
Endeavour touched down on the runway a final time under the cover of darkness, just as
Atlantis, the last shuttle bound for space, arrived at the launch pad for
the grand finale in five weeks.
Commander Mark Kelly – whose wife, Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, remained at her rehab centre in Houston – brought Endeavour to a stop before hundreds of onlookers that included the four Atlantis astronauts who
will take flight in July.
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Under cover of darkness: Endeavour touched down on the runway
at Kennedy Space Center a final time this morning
Nearly over: The landing at 2.35am local time (7.35am GMT) brought to an end
the penultimate mission in Nasa’s 30-year programme
25 flights, nearly half of them to the space station
122.8million miles
170 crew members
299 days in space
4,672 orbits of Earth
Mission control told the astonauts: ‘122million miles flown during
25 challenging space-flights. Your landing ends a vibrant legacy for
this amazing vehicle that will long be remembered.
Welcome home, Endeavour.’
Commander Kelly replied: ‘It’s sad to see her land for the
last time, but she really has a great legacy.’
He thanked all those who worked on Endeavour over the years.
The final Endeavour crew completed the U.S. share of construction during their 16-day trip to the International Space Station.
A considerably bigger crowd had gathered a few hours
earlier to see Atlantis make its way to the launch pad, the last such
trek ever by a shuttle.
Thousands of Kennedy Space Centre workers and their families lined the route last night as Atlantis crept out of the mammoth Vehicle Assembly Building a little after sunset, bathed in xenon lights.
Mission completed: The final Endeavour crew completed the U.S.
share of construction during their 16-day trip to the
International Space Station
During their mission, Endeavour’s crew installed a $2billion cosmic ray detector,
an extension beam and a platform full of spare parts,
enough to keep the ISS operating in the shuttle-less decade ahead
Homecoming heroes: Endeavour astonauts (from
left to right) Roberto Vittori, Gregory Johnson, Mark Kelly,
Michael Fincke, Greg Chamitoff and Andrew Feustel
Atlantis Commander Christopher Ferguson said, waving towards his ship: ‘We’re going to look upon this final mission as a celebration of all that
the space shuttle has accomplished over its 30-year life span.’
Bright lights also illuminated the landing strip for Kelly and his crew,
who made the 25th night landing out of a total of 134
shuttle flights.
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in… ‘The pinnacle of human achievement’: Final spacewalkers of…
Moon may have as much water as earth scientists find after…
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The Endeavour astronauts – all experienced spacemen – departed the 220mile-high outpost
over the weekend, after adding the finishing
They installed a $2billion cosmic ray detector, an extension beam and a platform full of spare
parts, enough to keep the station operating in the shuttle-less decade ahead.
Their flight lasted 16 days and completed Nasa’s role in the space station construction effort that began 12 years ago.
Last shuttle: Atlantis approaches the launch pad after it was rolled
out of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center last night
Thousands of Kennedy Space Centre workers and their families
lined the route as Atlantis made its way towards the launch pad
The official tally for Nasa’s youngest shuttle after 25 flights, nearly half of them to the space station, is 122.8million miles, 170 crew members, 299 days in space and 4,672 orbits of Earth.
Kelly’s wife was shot in the head during a mass shooting in January, but made a remarkable recovery and was able to watch
the launch on May 16.
She did not travel to Florida for the landing because of the inconvenient hour, her husband said.
They will reunite in Houston on Thursday.
Ready for action: Atlantis will bring Nasa’s 30-year space shuttle programme to an end when it completes its final mission in July
Waiting to make history: The Atlantis crew (from left to right) is Commander
Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley and mission specialists Sandy Mangus and Rex Welhiem
Night-time view: Endeavour while she was still docked at the ISS
at the weekend
Out and about: A new image of astronaut Greg Chamitoff carrying out repairs on the ISS during the mission’s fourth spacewalk last week
An Endeavour crewmember took this image of the ISS solar array wings intersecting the thin line of Earth’s atmosphere
Last lift-off: Endeavour blasts away from Kennedy Space Center on May 16.
She today followed Discovery into retirement. Nasa plans to close out its 30-year-old shuttle programme with a final
supply run to the ISS aboard Atlantis in July
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